Category Archives: All Lectures

When any topic in society brings forth the matter of “Women”, it till this day is considered a sensitive matter. And when Islam is brought into the equation, it becomes ever more so controversial.  For Islam is considered by many as a path which came and stripped women from all their rights and humanity. Is […]

As the staggering figures from this nation (CDC etc) and abroad (UN etc) continue to report a rise on domestic violence, I feel it would be a matter of grave concern if we still ignore this matter and not address it. Similarly, for Muslims to feel that they and their communities are immune from such […]

Every direction you look, you will see people. People who are preoccupied – hustling bustling in the pursuit of something. Although the purpose of each persons engagement differs from the other, yet the goal of all is one and the same: The opportunity to live a good life. In the religion of Islam, is this […]

This speech was originally delivered on September 14th 2012 – From the burning of his teachings, to cartoons depicting him with mockery and ridicule, all the way to a foolish movie on YouTube; people continue to demonize him. And just when you think matters couldn’t possibly get any worst, Muslims react to these acts with […]

If there is one thing that all prophets warned their people from, it is none other than the Dajjal or Antichrist! His trial will be the greatest the world has ever witnessed. How do we confront his trickery and deceit and safeguard our faith? A detailed account is given in this lecture.

In Islam, through the words of Allah and that of his Prophet, we are also informed of similar signs and occurrences to transpire before the arrival of Jesus (P.H). What role will his decent to this earth play in confronting the problems of that time, and what bounties will humanity be blessed with through his […]

If there is one thing that all abrahamic faiths can agree upon; it is that someone will come near the end of times. Who will he be, why will he come; and what are the indicators symbolizing the closeness on his approach? Firstly, we will analyze this from the biblical perspective.