Author Archives: Azhar Subedar

Share with someone in need by reaching in and reaching out. In Florida, 1 our of 4 kids lived in poverty in 2013. The 2013 data was the last year the Casey study could examine. Florida was ranked 37th in the country in overall “child well-being,” which measured indicators such as education, economics, and health. […]

Imam Azhar believes that the most critical social issue of our time is equality and understanding of all human beings. Imam Azhar Subedar was born and raised in the West. He was also educated on the Religion of Islam in the West. He graduated from his 10 year studies of Islam in the U.K. Being […]

Allah made you to be Different For too long, Muslims felt a need to blend in. Time after time we failed in doing so. In light of the current hatred pointed towards Muslims – The question needs to be asked, do we continue to blend in or accept standing out? Is it a crime to be different? 

Allah made you to be Different For too long, Muslims felt a need to blend in. Time after time we failed in doing so. In light of the current hatred pointed towards Muslims – The question needs to be asked, do we continue to blend in or accept standing out? Is it a crime to be different? 

The Faith of a Muslim is a balance between fear and hope. Humanity feels hopeful in good times and smooth sails – fears loss and destruction in turbulent times. But, a Muslim, always thinks differently from the norm. The history of our Prophet (AS) highlights how hope in a time of no hope and fear at the […]

Stand together. How do you stack up? It’s time to put all differences aside and awaken to the truth around you. As a guest speak at the Pompano Beach mosque, a simple analogy makes clear as water the worldwide state of distant voices between brothers and sisters in Islam and the bond between all people of Adam. […]

After 8 years at Port Charlotte, Masjid Nur   This is Imams last khutbah at the community he served for 8 years Alhamdulillah, Masjid Nur of Port Charlotte Florida. As Imam moves on to greater endeavors he leaves behind words of advice and admonishment to you, his congregation. Bonus (video): Enlightened Path Conference  A Story of […]

We’ve split program into two parts as follows: Part 1: Replay clip of Donald Trump’s campaign speech and hear the interview with Imam Azhar Part 2: Hear caller responses and the remainder of the program If you have questions for Imam Azhar feel free to reply to this email.

Striving for cooperation and good through history   In light of the current events once again, we are suggesting taking the matter back to the drawing board. For our continuous inaction has resulted in adverse reaction from the masses. Know that integration is vital for our continuity a plan well thought out and executed by our Beloved Habeeb […]